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Old 11-22-2005, 11:27 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
A picture's worth a 1000 words
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I was thinking the exact same thing that Peda just said.
Try journaling about your feelings each day and try writing letters to her also. Both can be very helpful things for many reasons. The journaling will help you release some of your stress, anxieties and will let you just "let go" of a lot of that tension. And writing her letters will show her later what you were feeling and thinking while she was going through all of this. It will let her see "the other side" and realize that you always cared and just wanted the best for her. Also, much later, if she ever decides to embrace her own recovery and starts asking you questions about what she was really like during that time back can hand her your own journals and it will give her a "real" look at how she affected others when she was out of control. I believe that will help tremendously for her to see that later on.

The only experience I have is that I personally have spent 2 brief stays in the hospital this past year and my teen-age cousin also went into the hospital for a week or two for suicide attempt. I only know of positive things from both mine and my cousin's experiences with these places. No they weren't the semi-permanent residential type facilities your daughter is in, but working in the mental health field is a very demanding career choice and most people, in my opinion, are very dedicated and that's why they stick it out.

I don't know if you're religious or not, but a favorite slogan of mine is "let go and let God." Your daughter is in the hands of others right now so just hand over your worry and stress and know that she is exactly where she needs to be right now and let God take care of the rest. One thing I also like to do is to pray over those who are the ones doing the treating. It is out of your hands right now, so it's time to take care of yourself. Take this time to re-group and replenish yourself.

Hugs and prayers,

and ((((welcome))) to SR!
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