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Old 04-15-2019, 05:01 AM
  # 478 (permalink)  
Free2bme888's Avatar
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Where I’ve longed to be all my life…, now.
Posts: 7,399
Great to hear from you bumble!

Guener, congratulations on your completion of your project.

Willow, congrats on your 11 months!

Hi John! Great to hear from you!

I just realized as I was getting my coffee that I had a drinking dream last night talking about the AV wearing it’s ugly head. And the red wine tasted great in my dream! What the heck.

46 weeks today for me.

Been going to Steamboat Springs for the weekends the last three weekends. Not sure about this fellow, as I’m taking things slow. As he points out, it is hard to get to know someone from far away, and we have both been through times where we have been duped by people that live far away because they hide all of their demons and skeletons.

But I know who I am. And I am golden. I am an authentic person and I want to be wanted by someone who is not going to be mean to me and who loves me for who I am.

It is almost 6 AM by me and I’m getting ready for work and having my coffee and checking in on my family here.

Last week was a little bit brutal. I still feel very lost and challenged at work. I’m not sure if I’m up to par, but I do like the fact that they are challenging me. Some of the workers challenge me in a nice way and some don’t.

Well I can only do the best that I can.

Whoever saw my house yesterday seem to be interested, so please keep your fingers crossed that that is off of my back soon.

Positives? Steamboat is a lovely place and the drive is great, and the guy seems to be nice. We plan on going camping in Utah in a couple weeks. He is buying a horse so that we can go riding together up in the mountains.

I had to change my cell phone service and my sister got me onto their farm business plan and my bill will only be about $25 a month.

I still weigh only 114 pounds, but I haven’t lost anymore weight, and I seem to be plateaued out there for the past month, so that is good.

My love to everyone!

Dee, I saw that you have had back problems lately on another thread. I think it was the April 2018 class that I have been lurking on. That can be the absolute worst. Please take care of your back because we only get one. I’m glad it seems to be feeling better. And also, thanks for your never ending support. I don’t know how you are everywhere on this whole site, but you are. Your input and comments greatly affect many many lives. In a positive way, of course!

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