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Old 12-19-2018, 04:09 AM
  # 435 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Posts: 627
Bluesy - I relate to your post so much. I am the same exact way, in fact just a couple weeks ago I had a very bad day of anxiety where I was literally paralyzed by it. Just sat the day in my rocking chair all day and worried about this and that. Anyway, I really hadn't been taking care of myself like I know I need to and I was spending way too much time on social media. So anyway, the next day when the anxiety fog lifted I knew what I needed to do. Back to waking up in the morning early to exercise, read my sobriety books, journal, and post here. What I am learning is Yes, I am strong in sobriety but being sober is NOT ENOUGH. Alcohol at the time was a coping mechanism for other things (not the right way to cope!!) So I've removed alcohol, hallelujah!, but all the other stuff is still there. Sobriety really is a beautiful thing when you finally stop kicking and screaming about not being able to drink and just focus on how to live a sober life. Slowly, I'm putting the pieces together of who I really am or who I really WANT to be. And that's really empowering <3

Suze - awww Christmas is going to be so fun for you and your daughter. I have had those years where I just couldn't wait to give my kids their presents. As they get older though it's harder and harder to find/get the perfect gifts. My middle girl asked for teeth whitener kit for Christmas! lol I was like, really? ok, let me just wrap this up and throw it under the tree. haha It makes me happy that you are so excited

Daisy - when that guy was swerving did you wonder if he was drunk? I do that a lot these days...I'm a little judgmental of others on my throne of sobriety. haha Seriously though, not in an unkind way, more of an extremely curious about alcoholism way. I'll find myself saying "I wonder if they have a problem?" "Do they know they have a problem?" Is that weird?

Vipe - are you ever going to tell us where your going on your trip??

Hi Dee, Erratic, Strawberry....hope everyone is well
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