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Old 12-07-2018, 04:43 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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I think out of everything boredom is the easiest thing to fix - but it might not seem that way yet

I got so used to my fun coming out of a bottle, I forgot how to have fun and be engaged sober.

What was ok for me as a drinker - sitting on the couch channel surfing - was intolerable to me sober.

I was waiting for fun to descend on me like it used to with the bottle, but lifes not like that - I found you have to think outside the box a little and make a little effort - but there;s fun and interest and meaning out there to be found.

I also can't emphasise enough (to everyone) how important it is to post here before you drink - even if you're in the midst of a huge F it cloud - maybe we can help?

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