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Old 11-22-2018, 10:09 PM
  # 283 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 2,583
Morning everyone and I hope my US friends had a great thanksgiving. I think thanksgiving is a wonderful thing to have, wish we did it in the UK.

I am good, I have been given a trip to Washington for tomorrow, I am already salivating over the Black Friday Sales 😛😛😛

I have just woken up and have things on my mind. My neighbour wants to build an extension on his property. At the minute we have a party wall that divides both our gardens and this will be knocked down and replaced by the outside of his extension. I have no problem withthat as the wall we currently have is pretty decrepit and a new white wall will look so much better. However; he asked to come round yest to discuss and I bloody knew what was coming.... he is proposing to come a few inches onto my side of the property and he is trying to sell it to me by saying that if I ever want to extend I can use it as an internal wall too. Well there is no way that is going to happen. But I said to him I would think it over and get back to him. I know he cannot build on my property without permission but I am just going to get myself clued up on this whole thing and call for some legal advice too just so I know 100% where I stand in case things go a bit.... awry shall we say. Bloody pain in the bum as I really don't want to have to spend my time doing this today but it's life isn't it? Life on life's terms. He seems quite nice and maybe he is being genuine in that he feels it may actually benefit me in the future but I can't shake the feeling that I am being taken the mickey out of a bit. He will gain an extra 3 inches and my little patio will get even smaller . Trying not to get resentful about it!

Gonna try sleep a wee but longer catch you all later x x
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