Old 11-16-2018, 07:03 PM
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Kinda related. I need advice on what to do.

I think SS is super depressed.

All this boy does is sleep. He was asleep by 530pm. He's never been one to stay up late even when he was little. 11pm is his max. But 530? Anyway he sleeps all day on weekends when he's not working. Also considering the situation we're in and him being a little more open about his dad's drinking. He has a lot of anger towards both of his bio parents.

AH said something about him always sleeping. I said I think he's depressed maybe he should see a counselor. AH is super against counseling. I should also mention that his mom is also super against therapy so she's no help. (I sometimes wonder if the reason they are both against therapy is because they don't want the kid to tell the therapist they are both mental cases)

I told him if for no other reason I think it is our duty as parents to get him therapy. He'll be 17 soon and then once he's an adult we can't make him. His excuse is the last time we did that we spent a lot of money on therapy for him to not talk to the therapist. I think there's no reason to be miserable if you don't have to be. I said maybe it wasn't the right therapist. I think that SS just doesn't talk because AH and his mom clam up unless they are angry.

SO my question is: I am the step parent, I really have no legal rights to do anything. BUT since I'm the one that usually manages appointments and what not Can I/Should I just make an executive decision to make him go? Right now he talks to me but I'm not a therapist. I don't want him to stop talking to me and I don't want to make him more miserable than he already is...I just think he needs help or meds or something.

What should I do?
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