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Old 10-12-2018, 12:32 AM
  # 267 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: London UK
Posts: 84
Good Morning Classmates....

Good to see some new joiners and lots of positive stuff from everyone, apologies for not posting recently. I am on day 25 about to complete week 4 and everything is much better apart from I have felt so so tired this week. Possibly low blood sugar I used to keep that in tact with alcohol. I brought plenty of ice cream and chocolates but am trying to avoid them as much as possible as I lost about 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks after quitting and am quite enjoying being a couple of holes up on my belt. Also in some ways, feeling tired is quite nice.

Come home, crash on the sofa, get drunk, pass out. Totally relate I'm still pretty much doing that except the get drunk and I now go to sleep! Hopefully I will get over this tired period and can be a tad more productive. Pinnacle I like the sound of the drunk to self video, wish I had thought of that. Good to hear Kaily, Hawk and fish got back on plan so quickly after playing with the devil. Pinky good to hear your husband has started to talk to you again hopefully the start of some bridge rebuilding.

I see a few people on here are anti counting days. For me my goal was 1 day then 1 week then 1 month (next week) then I don't know... 90 days now that sounds like a long time so we'll see. I'll be honest I am loving being sober but having a drink is seeming like an option. I thought maybe I could go to the pub next Thursday and then thought yes and I can then come home, crash on the sofa, get drunk, pass out on Friday night too. May as well make a couple of days of it, I can then quit again Saturday. Trouble is that will leave me feeling like death Saturday and my only medicine will be you know what. I'm thinking it through to the end and being part of the October class I guess the end of October is a more manageable goal than 90 days! I had a quit smoking app that counted days etc looked at it occasionally not for some time until this morning, I have quit smoking for 6 years 183 days 23 hours and 31 minutes as of now. I have also saved £13664 not sure where the hell that has gone!!

Been good to post I have been holding it in and now feel strangely reconnected with the October gang.

Happy Friday class and here's to a super sober weekend.
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