Old 09-25-2018, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by atalose View Post
Never saw myself as being selfish yet I perceived to think everything was about me. My old thinking was like this, my ex is using drugs because of me or because something I’ve done or said. My co-workers could be chatting in the lunch room I either felt they were talking about me or purposely did not invite me to join them. It never occurred to me that they just happened to all want coffee or water at that time, no my thinking was it was somehow about me. My neighbor who is a friend had people over to her house one Saturday night and I got my feelings hurt because I was not invited. My thinking would jump to, she is mad at me or she just didn’t want me there. And that thinking went on and on until I saw her and she mentioned she gave her sister a surprise bday party for her 60th. I do not even know her sister so of course I wouldn’t be invited. But that selfish self-absorbed thinking that it was all about me was crazy making.

Today I have much different conversations with the person looking back at me in the mirror and I no longer think/believe everything is about me. I no longer use the excuse that I am just overly sensitive and that I can’t help that.
Wow, I can relate to so much of what you have experienced. I too would get offended so easily at not having an invite or walking into a room and feeling others weren't including me. In fact at the gym I can go as far as to take it personally if someone on the next treadmill gets off, if I've just gotten on next one. Nothing to do with them just being finished their workout! Thinking everything is about me.

Brings me back to codependent no more again, where melody says we are not responsible for other peoples feelings, actions etc. Only responsible for ourselves.

Think a lot of thought retraining is needed here.
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