Old 08-31-2018, 12:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Wastinglife View Post

Sobriety means isolation and hopelessness.

How have people here handled the fear and anxiety in early sobriety? It always gets the best of me, even after 6 months sober.
You say sobriety means isolation and hopelessness.

May I remind you that a perception like that doesn't make sobriety appealing in general. What I mean by that is how I overcome the initial fear and anxiety as you have asked, was by learning to actually look at the good sides of sobriety.

It's not easy, i know, it might not be what you want to hear either, but stay with me here; If sobriety could be good for you, would you enjoy it more? And the question then becomes: How can sobriety be good for me if right now it feels bad for me?

Ah, but I guess the only real trick if you are already 6 months sober is to figure out what you can do to solve your problems. I don't know what problems you have though so they might be enormous for all I know, but as a sober person atleast you can operate more effectively then when you would numb your mind. It might seem preposterous because our addiction has a tendency to make us believe using it makes life better compared to being sober.

But I personally have found life and its struggles alot easier to handle when sober then they ever were when I was drunk or hungover. So in your case, if your problems are very difficult to handle, can you get help for those problems? We sometimes do need help and depending on the situation there usually are people who can advice and help you out, so that is sort of the difficulty here for me since I don't know exactly what your problem is so maybe my suggestion is complete non sense, so I apoligize if that is the case...

There's a tendency for us all to focus our minds on the past and on what good things we think we might have had in the past, but there is also a future which can be absolutely incredible but that same future takes shape out of this very moment, so it means we can only move forward if we make sure we do the right thing, right here right now to make sure the future takes care of itself.

In your case, a future of sobriety where you don't have to feel whatever you are currently feeling, it might be alot of work or it might be an easy step, that is the difference between people and how far their addiction took its toll on them and their lives...

So sadly, i think non of us can give you some magical idea that would instantly solve your problems but I do know it always comes down to a matter of ''outgrowing'' who you were and what you are facing so you become a better and stronger version of yourself all together
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