Old 08-04-2018, 03:32 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 379
1. My blood pressure has gotten out of control.
Me too!

2. I want to be a good mom to my teenage daughter, she has mental health issues and needs me.
Me too!

3. I’m tired of being tired, shaky, gaining weight, feeling nauseated, blood shot eyes, etc.
Me too!

4. Tired of Making excuses to avoid situations so I can drink at home.
Wow, now this is freaky me too again.

5. So I don’t have to go to so many lengths to hide my drinking.

6. I want my brain to get back to normal so I can sleep normal.
Same! And at 13 weeks I now sleep like a baby.

7. I want to remember conversations and what I did the night before.
Oh god yes!

8. I don’t want to go through withdrawal anymore.
Yes again. Repeating the withdrawal process is tiring.

9. It is getting very expensive when the amount keeps increasing.
Yes! Especially when I was prioritising alcohol over food.

10. I hope to inspire my husband to quit drinking....it’s hard to quit when someone is openly drinking in front of you ��
Not my uncle, but I want to inspire many family members who have problems.

Alcohol has a pattern of destruction and it seems to be similar for everybody.
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