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Old 07-22-2018, 09:30 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 2,792
You my friend, have your ducks in a row. You have plan A, B and C all in order.

As you read all over SR, Addicts reflect their short comings on you...... You say"you were drunk and threw up all over the kitchen floor" They say "you don't keep the house clean". Their short comings become "your" short comings. You would like nothing more then a healthy, caring, sober boy friend. That is not going to happen with him anytime soon. Its all about, growing up, sobering up and working a program.

Walk away, work on yourself and ask yourself why you accepted such horrible behavior from someone. In time you will understand the "grooming" process that our addicts do to us. That process goes for months and then years and we don't even recognize it. Stay busy, keep no contact and your life will get soooooooooooo much better!!

Hugs to you, you are doing amazing!!
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