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Old 05-27-2018, 03:22 AM
  # 53 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2017
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Originally Posted by Donnyb View Post
Hi guys and our dear girls of course!!
Late posting as everyone just left and it is now 12:59 am. Great party and everyone had fun and we finished off with s’mores on my fire pit. I have to stay honest because this is where I have to no matter what and will not lie to any of you. I drank with my friends to a very minimum, and I just spelled minimum with out spell check so if that means anything 🙄 I am stopping tomorrow. Kgirl my date will be 5/28/18. I have had enough and just want to stop. I had 4-5 beers throughout the course of the day,and I feel like I am letting myself down every time I take a sip. I’m tired of being fake and tired of listening to my excuses. I am tired of coming on here and telling people I care about stopping and then that I failed AGAIN. Done with it. I don’t want any, Donny keep trying and you’ll get it on your 100th try , no I won’t I am stopping today. I see your lives and how much better you feel and I want that and am going to get it.
Hey you!
I am glad you enjoyed the party!!
I think that once we know drinking is a problem for us and we continue to drink we can never "enjoy" drinking with the wild abandonment we used to before we admitted we had a problem and therefore any drink taken is done so with guilt and shame. Not to mention where it takes us but aside from that just taking a drink doesn't hold any pleasure anymore as it is only, in my opinion, relieving the nagging craving we are having to take a drink.
The cravings WILl return. I had them yesterday. Of course we will get them, we are alcoholics and alcohol is everywhere and actually that is ok. I am accepting I will have cravings. I dont want to habs them but as they are going to come anyway I might as well accept it. It's what we do when we get the cravings that matters. Give in and take a drink and be straight back to square one? We will only have to quit again as we already know we cannot drink "normally." Or do we remind ourselves of the grim reality of our drinking.
Taken from William Porter, Alcohol Explained..
" If your mindset is such that you are only too happy to be free from the whole filthy mess, then every subconscious trigger will be the opportunity to remind yourself how lucky you are that you now have the knowledge to free yourself. The spiral of craving only starts if you entertain the possibility, however remote, of taking a drink.
You will stop craving something if you convince yourself it is repulsive and dreadful and has no benefit at all."

"The more we practice this when a craving occurs we are forcing a new lesson on our conscious and subconscious alike."

We will literally be retraining our brains so that in time the cravings will get fewer and farther between and weaker and weaker until (hopefully) one day they will cease to exist. That is why it is so important never to take even one drink ever again as we will be firing up our subconscious telling it that it needs alcohol and so it begins.

We are all doing this together. I have been where you are as I said before I havent just suddenly got this first time round. I had just reached a point where you seem to be now. I am just done with alcohol. It was my friend then it was my worst enemy. I cannot drink like normal drinkers, I will get smashed every time. Small amounts of alcohol leave me restless and irritable. Alcohol makes me feel guilty, ashamed, dirty, depressed, even suicidal. I refuse to live like that anymore.

I am proud of you for coming and posting Donny. Lets make this your ladt day one yeh?! 👍♥️♥️♥️♥️
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