Old 05-14-2018, 07:18 PM
  # 113 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 2,933
Hey there everybody!

NC, that is impressive you stayed awake! And how awesome hubby could be present with you or at least not drinking very much. Sounds like it was a great experience for you both. And how nice that the recovery was really just rest rather than waiting for a hangover to wear off and/or soaking it with more booze so it didn’t hurt so much.

Palmer, keep us posted while on the trip if you can! Try not to feel guilty. I know this is like the opposite of preaching to the choir since I like you struggle mightily under the weight of the guilt monster. But still!

Scotty, sounds like you are making some really healthy choices. Including with the screen time. I’m so unaware I don’t even know if my iPad is backlit. I think it is but who knows for sure. I still sleep pretty well in spite of it being hot as bleep up here in our second floor. (This is why i’m Willing to explore the whole hvac thing...discomfort).

Speaking of discomfort I told someone she needed to retire/resign today or I was going to have to terminate her. I’ve been second guessing and hating myself every moment since. Not to throw myself a pity party when I just made someone’s life suck but I just feel like a monster. She’s the sweetest person in the building. She just can’t keep up with the work and I have to follow up two, sometimes three or even four or more times. It just shouldnt’ be that way. And we’ve tried talking and meeting and whatnot but at the end of the day she just wasn’t performing her job the way it needs to be performed. It just freaking sucks, though. This is the part of managing that I hate so much. I didn’t want to drink after but I sure did want to bury myself and hide under a chair for the next month or so.

Ugh. So I may not sleep very well tonight but it won’t be because of the iPad.

Other than that pretty good. TAke care little buddies!
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