Old 03-20-2012, 08:20 PM
  # 89 (permalink)  
Not The Way way, Just the way
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Territory - The Beast's Map of IT's Stuff

The Beast has a strong sense of territory. If you're addicted, it can be felt like a strong and heavy canine on a leash, pulling you towards places IT's stuff can be acquired, barking, whining, and panting all the way until that wonderful pleasure is regained. All Beasts have territories, territoriality is a part of survival. Beasts have to be good at getting their stuff to survive, or they whither away.

With AVRT YOU learn IT is a quadriplegic. IT immediately knows you know, so, IT can't make you fall for ITs pulling you on a leash any more. The AV will then resort to more subtle and diverse tactics to get you to reverse your intent to quit until you make your Big Plan. After you make your Big Plan, the AV will still try to keep the map of IT's territory in the forefront of your mind, even though that map has now become completely obsolete to YOU. It can be a map of both space and time, such as weekends, happy hour, vacations, etc. It sees through your eyes, and knows all your thoughts, and IT knows where and when you will be or can be close to IT's stuff.

Once you decided drinking was wrong for you, IT had to get YOU to seek out and obtain IT's stuff. Once YOU know the importance of IT's map of IT's territory, you can use that to simply enhance your AVRT. This doesn't mean you are in trouble if you get near IT's stuff, or that you even have to use this territorial perspective. That would be just more AV. Also, IT's map can naturally overlap with places and times important to YOU. Even if you're an addicted bartender and your spouse drinks at home, I think the map can still give a perspective.

I also think the territorial perspective shows the huge AV lie about the great importance of this mental map and that you have to go to those spots and times, and drink to prevent boredom, loneliness, depression, you name it.

Comparing the Beast's map to YOUR map of YOUR life isn't at all related to using AVRT, but I think the comparison is interesting. While there can be overlap, the map of important places in a human being's life can literally be thousands of times more full of variety than the Beast's. This is notwithstanding the billions of dollars spent in our society to glorify the Beast of booze's (and gambling's) territory.
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