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Old 11-09-2017, 06:28 AM
  # 129 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 2,707
FBL I so know your pain, it is the worst when you miss a mistake that goes to print (well not the worst but you know what I mean). Argh, there's nothing you can do about it, just accept your flawed human state and move on! The world will go on regardless, believe it or not!
And so will your boss.
It's my Friday as it is Remembrance Day on Saturday. I'm taking a weekend trip over the border to Seattle with my dad's wife, we're staying at a fancy hotel and spending the weekend eating and shopping and seeing a concert. Fun!
PJ glad you're making some choices for yourself.
Suze! Take a day off love, be somewhere nice and cozy and just.......relax and heal a bit it sounds like you need it.
Everyone! Be gentle with yourselves.
I learned a new skill in my DBT training: opposite emotions. I'm trying to apply it and it seems like a good thing. It's so interesting that my very deepest habits of thoughts and actions can be changed. Whoever thought? It's like a miracle, or something. Instead of just reacting I have space to think about my reactions. How novel!
I watched a Doris Day movie last night and really enjoyed it. She was so "fluffy" but she was so talented!
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