Old 08-22-2017, 08:35 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Gratitude Gardener
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 278
Thank you all...

Here is what I can tell you: Nothing can be harmed. In truth, you are always safe. It is only your perspective that tells you that you are wrong or bad... that anyone is wrong or bad. It is your stories.
Perspective is everything. That it is up to us to transform our thoughts. And staying close to the incredible truth that EVERYTHING IS A GIFT, its just that many of those gifts are disguised... and they arent even disguised by God... rather they are disguised by our faulty perception. (Nod to free will, here)
As I am deepening this practice of gratitude, I feel an incredible authentic grace taking over my whole experience.
There is nothing better, truly, than feeding and nurturing your gratitude garden.
Its changes EVERYTHING.
It takes vigilance, but if you get sick and tired enough of your stuckness, or your depression, or your anger... The vigilance comes easier. When youve reached the end of your rope, you WILL find the determination and stamina.... to climb.
Which is why our suffering is a gift... a gift we, in partnership with God, give to ourselves..... sometimes...or often.
Because that suffering pushes us up, inch by inch, tear by tear, boo boo, by boo boo, to God.... when nothing else is working to get us up there to safety.
This is why they say that the only prayer ever necessary is this one: "THANK YOU"
We don't have to thank God for the difficulty... Often we can't thank for that in any authentic way, because quite simply we don't feel thankful for that. But we CAN say THANK YOU for all the good we are ignoring while we are distracted by the bad, or too focused on what doesnt seem to be working.
And in switching your focus, with intention, to the GOOD that you can actually recognize and SEE in your life, a domino effect begins... And eventually all the bad dominos "fall" into GOODNESS, too.
The bad are transformed, right before your very eyes, into GOODNESS.
You begin to see those disguised blessings more and more accurately as to what they really are.
Not bad, but GOOD.
Gratitude is proving to me, once again, to be one of, in not THE, best ways to strengthen faith.
That is all <3

This is the type of innocence you need to have faith in and feel... about your own self... and then from there we get the gift of feeling this for all the other beings in this world as well...

It starts with us, and it is how we are loved in truth, by ALL THAT IS. WE ARE WORTHY:

I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us. - Anne Lamott

The root of all difficulties is a lack of the sense of the Presence of God. - Emmet Fox
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