Thread: 10 weeks...
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Old 07-18-2017, 06:47 AM
  # 1 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 33
10 weeks...


Keeping vigilant, keeping AV silent, keeping cool.

Although quite hot in Dubai today, 47 C or 116 F, whichever you look at it, an inferno. Drinking lotsa Pellegrino.

Congrats to EndoftheDay, he is leading by a day. I know Weev1 was also thereabouts, and thanks for the message btw, (I don't know how to reply to visitor messages, so I am writing here). Hope you are doing well also, still in line. It's not easy all the time, and quite trying sometimes, but I know the alternative is hell so...

Last night a business associate ordered a double Chivas 18 on the rocks right in front of me and asked me why I quit when I declined to join him.

I said "the Doctor told me my liver was having trouble fitting where it's supposed to be. It's literally ready to burst. So I stopped. I guess it has something to do with getting older.". He did not enjoy that drink let me tell you. Was all worried. I could literally see him asking himself whether he should ask his Doctor the size of his liver. Mean, I know but..

So, that's that for now, and I offer congrats again to those in line, heartfelt waves of support to those who falter, best wishes to those climbing back on the wagon and a huge thanks to everyone in this great community.

Tanker's still full by the way. Filled for life.

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