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Old 07-14-2017, 09:34 AM
  # 182 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by kenton View Post
Something has changed with me. I started noticing it last week and this week it's really obvious. I look the same, no one in the real world has noticed this change but it's massive. Drum roll please .......My name is Kenton (ok that's not my real name) and I am an alcoholic but for the last week or so I haven't been thinking about drinking. Even when I am thinking about it, I'm not. That's confusing. What I mean is even when I walk past people sitting in the sunshine drinking wine, I obviously notice they're drinking wine but I don't think about it. I just carry on thinking about what I was thinking about. It's so liberating. It's like my mind isn't controlled anymore.

The downside of not thinking about drinking is that I'm not checking into SR half as much and I miss you guys because I think of you as awesome friends. So I'm still going to check in here once a day because I've read enough stories about relapse to know my AV hasn't disappeared. It's just gone on holiday for a while. I know it will be back.

I guess I just wanted to speak to anyone struggling and to say that even though alcohol might have a grip on your mind right now, there is a way to set yourself free. Just don't drink today. And keep not drinking today until one day you realise you're so engaged in building the happy life of your dreams, the thought of alcohol no longer enters your head.

24 more hours please xxxx
Brilliant post, dear kenton. Thank you.
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