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Old 05-17-2017, 08:49 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 14
Venting...Man, I wish he would show up already, so I can get this over with! Over 2 days now he has been gone. He messaged me via fb messenger at 11am yesterday saying he was on his way. No show. I never responded. This morning, I woke up to 2 text messages. The first 1 said I love you. Do you trippin.. The 2nd one he sent right after was So you are. I still love you. I never replied. Silence is golden! Make him sit and stew for what he has done to me. My ex husband said he probably knows this is it this time and you are kicking him out when he shows up. We shall see. I think he probably thinks he can weasel his way back in again like last time. But guess what? Not anymore. I really need to stay strong and do this. I will. I have my cheerleaders

When this goes down with him being served and kicked off the property, my property, what should I do about his belongings? He has quite a few things here. Plus, his 3 little dogs. I feel sorry for them.

The order states no contact via any party. Should I wait until I get the calls from his daughters, asking what is going on, and tell them to come get his belongings and give them a week? Or should I call one of them right after he is removed and give her a heads up what to do? If I call first, then it looks like I am discussing our business.

Or, have the police tell him to have his daughters call me to make arrangements and nobody else will be acceptable to gather his dogs and belongings?

The one young daughter I feel has written him off. I was on her fb page for a few months and a month or so later, because her dad did not pay her the $ she loaned him to get his things out of storage, she deleted both of us. I have no hard feelings towards her. I hope she wasn't banking on me paying her back. She never confronted me about it.

She may want the furniture for non-payment. he can't try and get his hands on it and sell it. by being ordered to stay away from here. Or she may not give 2 craps because she is done with him. The last time his daughters' called to come over, (2 month agos), they didn't say much to us and when they got up to leave, they ignored me. I was like wow. You guys are always more friendly than this.

The older one does contact her father here and there. I think she feels sorry for him to a point and hasn't written him off.

When I tell them why I did this, they will be more mad at him, especially the older one. A while back, they both jumped him for how he was treating me(before he started doing all this in my post).

They both live in apartments and have roommates. I am not sure if they can even take the dogs. I wouldn't mind having them but once this decision is made, no turning back.

Ugh! I am stupid.
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