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Old 04-25-2017, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Mystikaldawn View Post
And just like that, it hit me like a freight train out of nowhere, feeling of hopelessness the fact I'm only going on day 3. I actually had a bit of a cry out of nowhere. I went 3 days easily a couple weeks ago but that might have been because I knew I was going to have some after 3 days. But this time because I;m trying to make it permanent it's different.
Just remember this is a transient phase. This is NOT what living sober feels like. Once we've been working on our recoveries for a while we start to build a toolbox of things that help us to enjoy our sobriety. We start to learn who we are sober, and get to like that person. Hang on there. This is just a bumpy part of the journey but you can get through it. If it takes a few tears, so be it.

Here are a couple of definitions of words I never really understood before recovery...

'Courage' : feeling the fear and doing it anyway (I always thought but was the same as being fearless before - and it's so much more than that).

'Wisdom' : taking the choice to do what will give long term serenity, peace and joy instead of that which just gives short term gratification regardless of the consequences.

Be wise and courageous. You can get through this. No one said it would be easy, and at times it just plain isn't. Stopping drinking is just the start. Learning to live and think differently can be exhausting at times, but it gets easier and easier, and more and more fulfilling. As long as you work on your recovery.

Might be worth rereading your plan. If you haven't made one, then there's no time like the present...

And please don't let yourself dwell on forever. There's very good reason that we keep hearing 'a day at a time'. You might not be able to stop your mind sloping off to gawk at the vastness of forever, but you can determine to reel it back in and refocus on today EVERY time it does that.

All the best for your sobriety and recovery. BB
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