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Old 04-19-2017, 10:52 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 2,654
Hi Zen, from what I've researched, the habituated neural pathways which gave birth to the Booze Beast and ITs AV is entirely separate from the neural pathways generated by any other addiction/habit. For instance gambling, drugs, binge-eating, over-excercising, smoking each have separate neural pathways.

The Booze Beast and ITs AV don't switch to and run another addiction/habit, because the neural-wiring supports alcohol only as ITs focus. If another pre-existing or new addiction/habit arise, then yes you could make a separate BP for the different type of addiction.

For instance, many folks who stop drinking, follow the standard advice to ensure they don't become hungry and end up over-eating on the advised ice cream and chocolate etc., thereby if they continue longer term, a new addiction/habit and new neural pathways (entirely separate from the alcohol one) will be born - for which a separate BP maybe made for the 'Sweet-toothed Binging Beast'' and ITs squealing AV, for excessive sweet food.

The neural pathways do become overgrown due to non-usage/feedback from you (refusing to pick up a drink) and in my experience, the Booze Beast's AV lessens enormously as the months roll out in my new alcohol-free life and, when the AV pops up, it's easily dismissed and ignored.

I prefer to think in terms of dismissing/ignoring, because whacking/crushing sound too combatative, much like a fight/contest, when there isn't one: you've already nested the Beast and won, once you made your BP and continued to recognise, separate from and dismiss the Beast's AV.
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