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Old 04-10-2017, 02:38 PM
  # 165 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,010
I've had another extremely stressful day. Working in a hospital is a funny place. On top of everything else I get daily reminders of how lucky I am.
A patient arrived by ambulance from another hospital today. He is due for a major operation on Wednesday - a laryngectomy. I'm not too clear on what that is exactly but I can guess. He has all sorts of breathing tubes down his throat and cannot speak. Unfortunately he is an elderly man and it was only discovered after he was admitted to the ward that he is also unable to read or write and therefore cannot tell anyone what he needs or wants. When the nurse left our office this afternoon she was on her way to get some one to make up some little pictures for him and at least he can communicate that way. Aren't we very lucky to be still standing?

I came home this evening and had a proper dinner. Unfortunately after that I have been stress eating creme eggs. For those who might not know, they are chocolate eggs with a soft fondant centre. Then I decided I needed exercise so I walked the prom. It's an hour and a half from my house to the end of the prom and back. I think I had enough fresh air today.

Twice over the past few days people have told me Iook tired so I have booked a facial for Friday. I know I said no more treats but I just need a break and a pick-me-up. Roll on Thursday. At least it's a 4 day week this week and next week.
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