Old 04-09-2017, 07:07 AM
  # 200 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 2,654
Zen, if the obsession is in terms "I'm so happy I'm free". "That horrendous part of my life is behind me, forever" that's YOU. I have many of these thoughts and feelings, I'm so ecstatic that I'm a non-drinker, forever, no more obsession with drinking, buying, counting - simply freedom to live my life as a person who doesn't drink alcohol. I view this happiness as the "Abstinence Commitment Effect" that RR AVRT mentions.

But, if the obsession is thinking in terms of "What should I do to continue feeling happy and content, what hobbies, pastimes etc., should I pursue" and "How should I fill the time I previously spent drinking, to stop myself becoming bored", then that's the AV, trying to get a foot in the door and ultimately suggest that your non-drinker status is contingent and conditional upon X, y and z - being happy, not bored, fulfilled etc.

I am a non-drinker and yes, when I'm reading SR, it's at the forefront of my mind, but when I log-off, at seven months, 'I' rarely think about it being a non-drinker, it's my forever normality. The only time I think about drinking, when I'm not on SR, isn't actually me, but my AV using my thoughts and feelings.

The only reason I still read and post on SR, is to hopefully give someone feedback whilst they're learning AVRT.
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