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Old 04-07-2017, 09:31 AM
  # 266 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2,258
Hola. checking in. Sugar keep up the fight. One thing that I have to tell myself over and over and over is this too shall pass. As an addict my moods and how I am feeling changes dramatically. I often feel like a baby plant that has just sprouted and I need so much love and care to feel okay.

Take yesterday for example. Kid had soccer, had the best time. Sat and talked with a mom for the hour during practice. We had so much in common and enjoyed the time. Then night of sleep was crap. Kid came into my room, slept with me, cat wouldn't leave me be etc etc.

Today? Feel achy, tired, crabby, something happened at work this am that is a direct result of me moving to fast and making decisions etc that didn't need to happen.

But you know what? This will all pass. Now today I am sober, no med, no opiates, no booze, nothing but coffee.

IF I was to go home today and score some drugs it would set me all back..

but it doesn't sound like a bad idea at times when things are crap.

One thing I hate is detox, moving away from meetings and the light as I like to call.

Love you all
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