Old 03-11-2017, 03:48 PM
  # 231 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: NSW - Australia
Posts: 14,652
Good morning everyone. Beautiful day in Sydney and fab (did I actually say "fab" ) to read everyone's posts. It was poetry to read your descriptions of nature, the great outdoors, etc. I will have enough money next week to start going to the pool regularly.

I know that it is an achievable plan, not my usual, think I'll go do a course in pure maths, or something

Walked down to buy coffee LSW and couldn't stop laughing. "You call THAT a tumour - THIS is a tumour! Couldn't find an emoticon that depicted a big festering tumour monster that was devouring my brain, so will leave to your own imaginations. Much like my tumour, I reckon. Oh man, is this for real! Yes, said my fellows.

I did a bit of reading on AVRT yesterday, and it seems to fit with my belief system really well. Felt very comforted by its approach.

Like, I don't want to live a day by day existence, clocking days, etc. It seems to keep me trapped, when all I really have to do is not pick up under any circumstances, and just BE! Just like EVERYONE ELSE!

It removed for me too, a lot lot of the guilt and shame. Conclusion: I am just a sober person going about my business like the next everyday person. I start to feel trapped by the day and want to emerge from it.

I know the days are important in the beginning, because there is no denying that the days make the whole, but really feel the need to step outside of the day and just BE sober. Nothing special, just sober and experiencing life.

Still wrapping my head around it, but felt very liberated by the approach. It didn't make me feel bad or so terribly different outside of just not drinking.

I know I haven't expressed this very well but it is a new chapter for me, and it feels good.
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