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Old 03-10-2017, 07:15 PM
  # 28 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Feb 2016
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Thank you Bunny <3
You among many here are a testament to the good we bring into our own lives by living intentionally and authentically and having faith- in ourselves, something greater than ourselves, and relying on the experience, strength and hope of others in our troubled times.
I have said it often in this last week, sometimes we have to listen to the whispers of urges to take small steps, to go to those places where we can choose to hear the good, see the good, to see we are really capable of achieving anything no matter how low we have sunk in our lives. And when we take action, take accountability for our own lives and choices, own ourselves and our truths, the good comes to us, in small ways, and then big ways, and then we are fueled by the desire to do and be better, and to keep what we have by sharing it with others.
We fear letting our light shine sometimes, being our true selves, but often our own light can be a beacon to others.
With much love and gratitude, thank you for sharing this with us. I've also followed your story. You have humility and deserve to have pride in yourself for how far you've come, the work you've put in, and the goodness you pay forward in life, to us and others.
Merci madame. You are wonderful.
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