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Old 03-01-2017, 06:37 PM
  # 215 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Northeast, US
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More hiking with the dog today. Yesterday there were 18 wild turkeys out there that just passed by us, slowly grazing. Big Boy (the dog) is a 15 year old big black lab, he doesn't care about turkeys anymore. But that doesn't keep him from getting out there and having fun.

I like this outlet for me. I get quiet wilderness, time with an awesome dog, and some exercise to destress. I'm done at 4:00 and I got out my excess energy. Done for the day! That's it. I'm in the moment. A grazing flock of geese in a dry/muddy pound bed out there. It's surrounded by hills so one of them kept squawking a warning call about me and Big Boy, and it was echoing from all sides. Again, Biggie didn't care much about the geese. He started toward them but I told him to back off. Neither turkeys nor geese were disturbed. I'm waiting for coyotes or a bear. Big Boy hates bears, becomes infuriated. Instinct.

Ok. Well, my poor friend is going to be put away in a home or some dreadful thing. I can't handle this by myself and I've chosen not to give my life to care for her.

Keep moving forward.
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