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Old 01-24-2017, 08:47 PM
  # 234 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Australia
Posts: 11,354
Ladybuggggg I'm so happy to hear from you, what a lovely birthday present

You guys are the BEST. Talk about a big grin on my face after reading your birthday wishes.

I'm truly blessed to have you all as my friends. You are the best bunch of people, seriously.

I feel really special.

I've had a wonderful day. Shaun and I got up early and went to the markets. He bought me some lovely things. Hippy pants ( my girls are always calling me a hippy lol ) a tie dyed t shirt , beaded curtains , earrings , some incense , incense holders, other little trinkets. I feel thoroughly spoilt.

Holly rang me from her holiday in Whyalla, that was lovely.

Mum & Dad just left , we had coffee and cake, bless their little cotton sox.

The got me a series called ' The Doctor' can't wait to watch it in a marathon session.

I've had so many messages from my friends at work. I feel so loved .

Life really truly is good for me now.

I'm in a good place guys

Love you all xxxxx
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