Old 01-09-2017, 04:45 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Albany ny
Posts: 105
living in a fish bowl while in recovery....2

So yesterday I wrote this post regarding the name I've given to my living situation..the question was asked. "Does she support my recovery". And I answer yes but she has her own addiction /hustling habits. So she has a lot of medical issues that require a lot of medications,some controlled substance that she sells to so called friends/addict. Now her justification is due to my unemployment it's necessary to compensate for the bills to cover my part of our expenses..So yes I'm looking for employment and yes she says that it won't be necessary for this to contiue once I find employment. But I don't believe that an i am shore she is addicted to these meds and the excitement/hustle that comes along with it,Just sayin to be continued.... I DID NOT DRINK TODAY
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