Old 08-27-2005, 05:15 PM
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Famous bipolars and others - a creative illness?

I'm looking into the creative aspect that has been tied to mental illness and was wondering if anyone can relate to this subject (Please tell about your illness and creative side) and/ or if you know of any more people that I should add to this list:

(From NAMI)
Charles Dickens
patty Duke
Jimmy Piersall
Winston Churchill
Sylvia Plath (sp?)
Ernest Hemingway
isaac Newton
Vincent Van Gogh
Tennesse Williams
John Keats
Leo Iolstoy
Robert Schumann
Lionel Aldridge
Abraham Lincoln

(From "A Brilliant Maddness" - The Creativity Connection)

"Dr. (Kay Redfield) Jamison is well known for her interest in the link between creativity and mood disorders; she has written a major study on mood disorders among British writers and artists and is auther of the book Touched with Fire: Manic Depression Illness and the Artistic Temperament.

The book lists the following well-known bipolars:

Musical Composers:
George Frideric Handel
Robert Schumann
Hugo Wolf
Hector Berlioz
Gustav Mahler

Oliver Cromwell
Abraham Lincoln
Menachem Begin
Winston Churchill

Business Tycoons:
Robert Campeau
John Mulheren Jr.

Writers (and alcoholism):
Ernest Himingway

Blues musicians:
Memphis Slim

Lord Byron
Edgar Allan Poe
Anne Sexton
Virginia Woolf
Vincent Van Goh
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