Thread: Day 20
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Old 10-30-2016, 03:49 AM
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Now that you are through the detox, the mind wants the drug.

It is all about dopamine. It is science. It will take a while to feel content sober w out any drugs.

Some folks end up on antidepressants to cope w life w out booze.

Many relapse. I was going insane at 80 days clean. That is what brought me to SR.

It gets better, but the addiction grinds.

The obsessing is tiresome.

Eat when you crave. Sweet stuff tricks the brain. Once through the crave, it feels great to have won the mini battle.

Remember, you are an addict. There is nothing cool about being a drunk. Living drunk is living in a fantasy world.

Sobriety is our design. Drinking booze is a learned behavior. Unlearn it.

Hope this helps.

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