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Old 10-06-2016, 07:38 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 483
Haven't really had to fight a bad craving in two years so I'm very lucky. When i get the passing thought of how good a few beers would be all I have to do is point out to myself how that has never once worked for me after the talons of alcohol set into me. The one fear I have though is my temper. The worst relapse of the many i had before stopping was after I lost my temper. It wasnt one of my normal relapses where I just said I'm gonna just have (insert number) for (insert time frame) and failed. That relapse was after losing my temper I flat out said screw everything. I got as much booze as I could buy and stayed drunk for weeks. The detox that followed led to seizures, ambulance trip and damn near dying. I try to stop my temper just like I do cravings. Thanks god I got a very long fuse. I can recognize it when I'm starting as it usually takes days and double up on workouts or read and just try to calm down and put things in perspective. I realize it's definitely the weak spot in my armour. And am trying to fix it
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