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Old 09-30-2016, 03:35 PM
  # 148 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Posts: 48
Originally Posted by Windancer View Post
I'm still loving your strength and resolve! You can do it! I find that after some time I actually look forward to waking up sober and healthy (as opposed to still drunk or hungover) and I enjoy my sober evenings. Not all of them, not all the time, but it's coming and I think it will come for you too. Seeing and hearing others drinking must be difficult though. Is there anyway you can avoid that?
Windancer they all left shortly after i posted that and i ended up leaving 10mins earlie. I was done lol if it happened everyday it would be an issue but it only happens maybe 2 time a yr now so no big deal.

Plans have changes a wee bit - dd is off at one of her friends playing for the evening so its just me & ds. Still T McDs and will still get new tea. But instead of movies i'll take my new tea over the where my dd is amd have tea with my friend instead of our usual beer. It will be good

As far as my resolve goes - i don't see anyother choice. I need to be sober for my kids. Period. I need to be able and avalable to protect them and care for them and i can't do that the way they desirve if i'm drinking.
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