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Old 08-13-2016, 07:57 AM
  # 418 (permalink)  
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Day 154. More importantly, that's five whole months sober. It was March 13, 2016, when I decided yet again that I was never going to drink again. I've woke up plenty of mornings--literally a thousand or more--over the last 14 years and made that same declaration--"I'm never drinking again." Difference this time was I did something about it. Thanks to each and every one of you for helping me stay sober these last five months.

Off work today. Definitely going to an AA meeting tonight. I'll take a picture of my growing chip collection when I get home. No other real plans. I need to get to the store in a little bit. I'll give the ol' poison aisle a proper salute as I give it as wide a berth as possible. Of course the store planners are sneaky bastards and put those aisles right at a crossroads where it's hard to avoid it.

Kayak--we all had good times when we drank. The problem is, just like you described happened for you last weekend, once we've crossed over that invisible line into alcoholism, those good times are basically gone. Anytime I took that first drink over the last 14 years or so, I never knew exactly where I was headed after that. I might have one of those wonderful good times that I was always chasing, but more than likely I was going to end up hurting the next day and possibly facing a ton of wreckage I'd left behind. My life is much simpler and easier and happy at this point without the uncertainty of alcohol in it. Glad to hear you're taking some positive steps in your own recovery.

As always, thanks for your wise words, Dee. I hope you're doing well personally.

I figured Canadians wouldn't watch Michael Moore after that awful Canadian Bacon movie he made years ago, Samantha. Hope today goes better for you than you're expecting. No matter what, a drink is not the answer.

Oh man, Applekat, you just brought back some truly awful memories of road trips the morning after a hard night's drinking. Heck, my very first real drunk took place two hundred miles in San Antonio two hundred miles from my house, which I had to drive back to the next morning. Every time I pass through little Llano, Texas, which is about halfway between San Antonio/Austin and my old hometown, I look at that Subway restaurant on the main street there and remember how I had to pull over there and puke behind it after that first drunk night. Glad we don't have to live that way today. Have a safe trip and a good time with your family.

I do have to say I got a little excited yesterday when I heard all of you talking about a new Harry Potter book. I was like, "How the hell did I miss news of that?" And then I find out it's a play and it's not written by Rowling. Very disappointing news there.

College orientation was painfully boring as a know-it-all 18 year old, Bobbieka. I can only imagine it would be more so as a know-it-all 41 year old supposedly adult man. (I can say 41 for one more day after this so I need to get it in as much as possible.) Anyways, hope they've figured out a way to make it less lame in the last 23 years. Have a great day!

Hope everyone else is doing well and checks in soon! Remember it's the first drink that gets us drunk. You don't have to take that first drink no matter what.
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