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Old 07-06-2016, 12:10 PM
  # 177 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 254
This is wonderful Casey, thank you.

Originally Posted by CaseyW View Post
Just another quick drop-in from the class of March 2016. (And many other classes. This is not my first rodeo by far.) Day 115 sober for me. In a row!

Great to see this class coming together. Being active in my own class here has been a cornerstone of my recovery so far. Here's what's worked for me this time:

1. Ask for help as soon as you need it. Don't wait. Get those thoughts out of your head and out into the open as soon as they start entering your head. Seriously, if you're getting thoughts of drinking 20 times a day, post in here 21 times. Or a 100.

2. Help others as much as possible. Get out of your own head. There's an amazing amount of power in the simple act of one addict helping another. If you see someone struggling, speak up, even if it's just to say "hello" or "I'm listening." You'll be helping them and yourself.

3. Always remember that it's the first drink that is the problem for us. As long as you don't take that first one, you don't have to worry about the second or third or sixth or tenth one. You really don't have to take that first drink no matter what thoughts/lies/rationalizations your addiction is throwing at you.

Wishing everyone here a safe and sober Tuesday (or Wednesday for any Aussies)! Congratulations on choosing a better way of life. I'll continue to cheer you all on as we walk side by side on this road of recovery.
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