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Old 07-06-2016, 01:21 AM
  # 166 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: UK
Posts: 494
Hi All , Day 3. Still didn't sleep well and still unmotivated. but happy to be sober, and kinda comforting to know I'm not doing this alone and a lot of you are having similar experiences. Addiction was being tricksy last night, I have a close friends birthday coming up soon and agreed to do something for it and it convinced me that I had to drink otherwise I would be letting him down! I was tired and nodding off, but it almost had me for a moment. this is why I need to start work on my plan, as I may well be in a more vulnerable position next time.

I also have a wedding coming up and my friend specifically asked me a few weeks ago if i wanted juice or wine at the reception (no points for guessing my answer lol) so that's been scrabbling around in the beasty brain a bit.

Hope you all have a grand day.
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