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Old 06-26-2016, 05:34 PM
  # 446 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Posts: 7,583
They are the heat! They were so expensive new any used ones like I got are likely to have been kept in a very protective cover. But we use them as kindles. We pay the annual Amazon Prime membership of 99 dollars a year lump sum, but the Kindle unlimited is an additional $9.99 but is cheaper than each of us buying 3 $3.99 books each as we share the same membership.
For an only tablet, look at the Windows Tablets with the Atom Z3775 or Z3795 with 4GB of RAM. We have one Z3770/2GB RAM 64GB SSD (storage). Mine is an i5 Surface Pro 3, 128GB SSD, 4GB of RAM. Email me if you want more info, the techie stuff irritates some folk.

"The flood caused a tremendous amount of damage. Flood waters displaced large rocks, trees, trailers, vehicles, and carried homes away. In Rapid City the flood resulted in the deaths of “238 including 5 missing,” 14 of the deaths were trained professionals. The flood resulted in over 3,000 people being injured. A total of 1,335 homes were ruined, and 2,820 homes were damaged. More than 200 businesses were ruined, and around 5,000 cars were demolished. The damage in Rapid City totaled 66 million dollars in 1972 dollar value. As for Keystone “eight people were killed and much of the town was washed away.” The damage in Keystone totaled around $1.5 million. The total cost of the 1972 Black Hills flood totaled $165 million, including infrastructure, and utilities. The total amount of rain the Black Hills received was “800,000 acre feet” equal to “1 billion metric tons of water.”

The National Weather Service Office (NWS) in Rapid City in 1972 was taking hourly surface observations, issuing local storm warnings and providing local forecasts to the media. The personnel in Rapid City were not properly trained to make forecasts or use the technologies available to them. They lacked access to vital weather information to warn the area citizens."

That does sound exciting getting the first tangible rewards in book form.
Nice pix of your former self.

I'm with y'all on loving Mr. Robot. Watching it now.

Glad you're having fun with the recitals!

Was she an old maid? I heard a lady telling her daughter to be less forthcoming or she'd wind up an old maid! (I once wound up an old maid and we both had a marvelous time!)

You recovered your forgotten responses!

So proud for you!

So did you watch the Pistorious interview?

Where is Vinyl, cable? I think we all were surprised on this side of the pond.

That whole shakeup didn't ruffle you despite the insecurity. Like Mags you showed your strength! Bravo ladies! Big King fan here too.

With all your channel and pond crossing I can imagine Brexit having a significant effect on you and ex pats in Europe. I was living in Germany 1990-1997 and saw borders and customs dropped, and except for the rearming of French borders after their train terror attacks, with armor and heavy weapons aimed at us when we crossed for that month, and having to stop and show ID, the EU made Europe on the continent as easy to travel around as the US. When we first got there crossing borders was like crossing into Mexico from the US.

Not only London, but the nut jobs in Texas, who keep trying to get their fellow Texans to secede from the US, are rallying to do the same again! And Murdoch, Australia's revenge on the US for saying "shrimp on the barbie" meets with his new buddy the Donald! Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch to Meet for Post-Brexit Dinner | Variety
In Scotland?

Likely what happens next is there is a re-vote. This is amazing to watch unfold.
Glad your spirit's soaring! Hope your body catches up!

If everyone cared about the whole world politicians, soldiers, clergy, and billionaire polluters would find their activities sharply limited if not eliminated entirely.
I'd love to be born into this world today. Whaddya mean scary now? The Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK, all of us thinking the nuclear exchange could happen any time, the McCarthy witch hunts for the Red Menace and the blackballing of the arts and artists. Kent State, the Freedom rides, race riots, Daley and the convention police on Chicago? Nixon hit lists? And that's a quick list. Dylan said it best with "The Times They Are A Changing."
I agree that the average man on the street lacks depth. Apathy is willful unless you're homeless.

So nice to see your hopes for the wedding were fruitful. You must be as proud of them, as they are of you!

Yep, the greedy and power hungry only care about their reach. The rest fear it.

Rained here today too FBL,

I am just waiting for a dry day to finish spring cleaning. And start the dirt work if we can get a dry couple of weeks as normal.

I thought I lost this post but it was waiting here on my tablet since Friday! So I finished today.
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