Old 06-22-2016, 02:12 PM
  # 195 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 5,232
lol 8 miles is a piece of cake for me but the past 6 months i've changed my form and battled injuries so 8 miles these days is an achievemnet I hope to be back to my 12-15 mile a day runs soon. I"m not training for a race. I just run to run. the idea of a race gives me anxiety and such and i'm not a morning person. I just like to get out there get lost in my head enjoy the scenery etc...

Sleepie i'll probably have to order the actual instrument online when the time comes they start you off on a practice chanter tho and well you will practice on that till your good enou;gh for a bag. The bag pipe chanter is like blowing into an airhorn its so loud lol I woudlnt wanna practice on that.

ya know no i oddly dont get tired of eating the same stuff. strange i know. But i've heard it said we crave what we eat. If i ate mcdonalds i'd crave it and i know i used too lol. I go through phases bananas potatos rice and lentisl are like staples but depending on my wallet and whats ripe and avaliable i'll plow mangos pineapples watermelons etc.. I also eat lots of salad greens spinach tomatos portobello mushrooms etc.. But i wont lie there are times where its like rice beans and bananas for a week straight and theni 'm like Ok i need something diff. But diff for me is liek woohooo i got a coupel awesome watermlones i'll eat those today (yes 1 or 2 watermelons in a day is pretty simple).

We have no vegan places near me. going out can be interesting. If i go to say cracker barrel i plow sweet potatos with brown sugar (no butter or nothign) and sometimes there ruset pototos. For fast food I"ll hit wendies and grab plain baked potoatos and eat them like a taco lol. I also might just pop into a grocery store and grab a large bag of grapes and thats my meal. Or half a gallon or just orange juice if i'm really desperate for calorioes or want some sugar tho i dont noramlly ahve to go to this option.

i eat about 4-6000 calories a day to give you an idea just how much i eat.

My biggest complain? that i cant just get good mangos all the time or that sometimes its a pain getting bananas at the perfect level of ripeness i want. I buy bananas in the 40lb box and will eat 40-80lbs of them a week. so produce rotation can be an artform at times lol tho its not too hard once ya get a system.

is it expensive to eat this wya? not at all. banans i pay about 6-12 bucks for a 40lb box and rice is cheap so are lentils and beans I get a 50lb bag of potatos for about 8 dollars.

I'll eat oatmeal and such too also cheap. I dunno i geuss i eat a lot of diff things now that i think about it.

but everythign i eat is low fat high carb vegan and it try really hard to eat nothing but whole foods tho i can be a sucker for plain white rice or plain noodles those are like my vices lol.
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