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Old 06-10-2016, 10:33 AM
  # 8 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: El Cajon
Posts: 14
Originally Posted by mcm19 View Post
Thought things were starting to head in a better direction with abf. He had almost 6 months clean then something seemed "off" when I saw him on Sunday. His eyes were pinned but he was acting fine.

Monday morning he was "just walking" and rolled his ankle and broke it. I went over to take him to the hospital and he had obviously been using. Turns out he had a pretty significant break and they needed to keep him overnight to do surgery. I stayed all day and most of the night with him because I just couldn't leave him even though I knew I was done.

He was verbally abusive to me at the hospital. He was using that morning and he won't be able to ever convince me that the injury is not related to that. I just can't play this game anymore. A broken leg isn't a free-pass to be an a-hole. He keeps asking, "why did this have to happen to me?" Like the universe just up and broke his leg for no reasons. Dude, you were high and you fell - that's why it happened. Ugh.

Now he's at his parents house with a script for Vicodin and I just can't even imagine what a nightmare he will be for the next 6 weeks and probably longer. He acted like a child in the hospital and it's clear he does not handle frustration very well. I cannot stick around hoping that he won't abuse the Vicodin and have a full-blown relapse.

I told him my concerns last night and he said, "leave then." So I did. I blocked him from everything. Usually I would want to talk it out, explain my side of it, etc. but this time there was nothing. I'm sure he's making me out to be a giant B for abandoning him when he's injured. But I don't care. I cannot waste any more of my life hoping things will be different.

In my head I rationally know I did the right thing but maybe a few of you could help remind me of that. I just feel so sad right now. The first couple days of no contact are the hardest and I don't want to slip up this time.
Hi you did the right thing you can't love someone into changing. Geez I wish my own advise would sink in my own head. I am here just randomly reading posts for help because of my 34 year old son's meth usage for nearly twenty years. Yours caught my eye. I give you hugs and pray you find peace in your decision. I know it will get easier.
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