Old 05-22-2016, 07:22 AM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 58
"I got a DUI some years ago and all the meetings I had to go to just had the opposite affect on me. All we would talk in the meetings was alcohol consumption. So after the meeting was over, the first place I would go would be the liquor store. That experience prevents me from joining any AAA meetings."

Fair enough. But would you have gone to the liquor store anyways, whether you were attending an AA meeting or not?
Maybe you just weren't ready to stop? Some people say "AA is a trigger for me, it doesn't work." But then they drink with AA or without exactly the same. You have to want it....real bad. AA will not stop you from drinking, that's your choice. It's a support group and if you don't need support it can't help you.

I have followed just about every suggestion that was put forth by SR members after my first post. I go to AA willingly and listen. "AVRT® has shown me how to never drink again and to never change my mind." Someone posted. I googled avrt and have done it. And I'm going to do it again and again. I pray, I meditate, I do mantras. I picture alcohol as a poison(which it is) in my mind whenever I think of drinking. The skull and crossbones label has replaced my romantic vision of alcohol. . I ride my bike(exercise). I've made not drinking my #1 priority. I hangout like a bad smell on SR I do something everyday for my sobriety(taking action) I struggled through the first week and was not a happy camper. I cursed everything and everyone even this website as you can see if you read my old posts. You can do it. Without support chances are slim. Not to sound discouraging, it's just a fact. I wish you the best of luck in your fight against alcohol. Never give up.
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