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Old 04-30-2016, 05:15 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 608
What's up? I agree this forum is definitely not as active as the others but I am glad it is here! I think since alcoholism is now being recognized as an umbrella term for all types of substances (which is great) people are in different forums. Btw, I am a recovering Crystal Meth Addict using AA/some rational recovery(AVRT)/Therapy

I am glad you are thinking about a major, met a girl, and are doing therapy. However, I do want to warn you from experience that jumping into a relationship of any sort right now might not be the best idea with just near a month off of the drugs. Not sure if you're still using since you mentioned when you get bored you still find a way to cave into the drugs...Depending on where you live maybe an impatient facility just to get you through the early days might be a good idea..and then after do a few months at a sober living...One at a time but you need the 100% willingness first. Finding your major and all that is great just remember sobriety always comes first because eventually drugs/alcohol take away what you've been working towards so better to make sure you get that taken of. I did a sober living out in LA one was amazing and gave me so many tools and another was terrible. Feel free to PM me if you are looking for a sober living in that area.

Originally Posted by jt22 View Post
Hey guys it's nice to hear from you all. I didn't mean to complain that i'm not getting the help i need. I just meant this seems like a small forum that's only getting smaller, which suprises me with how serious of a problem substance abuse is.

Anyway I was almost a month clean and i took a few pills all because my elbows have chronic pain and get in the way and i hate missing workouts. The pills make it disappear completely... It sucks because everything is just better when i take opiates, i think clearly, work efficiently, have amazing workouts, stick to my diet, enjoy everything, and just generally enthusiastic. It's so hard to give up something that just seems to make me better at everything(i know it's just fooling me into trouble). I'm getting help in therapy and trying to figure out a major for school. I'm not doing terrible, but my sobriety has been shaky. My diet has been amazing, i've been productive, i get to sleep around the same time everynight, i'm runnig 5~ miles a day and lifting weights 2-4x a week, plus training in mixed martial arts. I've even got some good sober friends that care about me and met a girl, but i still find a way to get bored and cave in to drugs. I don't understand what else i can add to my plan. I've been doing the urge surfing Dee recommended and i try to relax and meditate, read a lot, etc. it helps, but still can't seem to be 100%, it's pretty frustrating.
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