Old 04-22-2016, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by DathanM View Post
She's very very very good at the whole suduction and manipulation I can't tell you how many times I gave into her and let her cross my boundaries. Hell she's a stripper she knows how to play people. But I'm just waiting for her to call so I can let her know what I think and stick with my decision to focus on myself until she proves herself down the road. And I was curious as to whether you where a woman or a man given your advice was pretty good lol.
Oh, I am a woman alright, but sometimes I think like a man, if that makes any sense.

I am an "old soul", I suppose and I can see things from both sides of an equation.
Now: You are young and with youth there tends to be some impulsiveness. But don't let anyone discount the wisdom that you already have...

As for waiting for her to call: Remember, you went "no contact". Since that time, you have emailed her and now you want her to call you just you can tell her where things stand. I would submit that once a person makes a decision to go no contact they need to stick with it. Not enough time has passed between when you started this thread to wishing she'd call you because you've made up your mind what your next right step is going to be.

Remember, you ARE dealing with another human being here. Remember that she is in rehab, she's getting treatment, it's very intense, she broke it off with you before she entered rehab, which I think was wise on her part. Now she's got a lot of work to do, and it's likely she doesn't really need to know your plans for yourself.

You do not need to delay your life or put anything on hold until you feel there is good closure with her. Like you said, you gotta live. So, live! The reality is there is absolutely no one stopping you....

So, slow this train down, or stop it or whatever. Time is on your side. I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself. Take the feedback given here and chew on it for a few days or a few weeks. By then, it may not even matter so much whether she calls you or not.
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