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Old 03-21-2016, 07:07 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Dallas Texas
Posts: 579
Day 103, think I'm over a bump.

I had to start my Community Service as part of a DUI last weekend. I was dreading it and resentful, slave labor and all. I went to a VFW (veterans of foreign wars) to work. I walked in to a large smoky dive bar full of old people playing dominoes. The bartender was young and beautiful. She could have been a model is she knew how to do her makeup and wasn't missing a tooth. County music playing but not too loud. In short I was in heaven, just the kind of place I love. Though about a bar stool and a cold beer but moved on quickly. The bartender told me to do dishes, she said it would take an hour and did not have to be done perfectly as the members were mostly guys. I spent 2.5 hours scrubbing pans and moping that kitchen. Under the stoves had been cleaned in some time. Not my line of work but it looked pretty good when I was done. The Bartender was impressed and well pleased. I asked if there were "any and beer bottles that needed emptying. " She laughed and said I'd earned a few. I declined. Told her "that's what got me in trouble in the first place."

My point: I went from resentful to enjoying myself. I put more effort into cleaning than I evidently had too. There are other opportunities to complete my community service I'm going to look into. I'll probably go back to the VFW a time or two. The only problem with it is the bar, the people and now I can get free beer. Not that I need a beer but just when I quit drinking...story of my life.
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