Thread: benzo withdraw
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Old 02-20-2016, 04:10 PM
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CobraCommander's Avatar
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im having a hard time with them im on clon as well and not really by choice. when i was tapering off oxycodone i started taking xanax and built up a dependancy. well when i was off the oxy the anxiety got really bad because i needed a long taper and my body was already addicted to the xanax without me knowing. so i found a new dr who put me on clon temporarily until i could find something else to deal with my anxiety. well i wanted to get off everything, he wants me to be on some sort of anxiety med. so now im stuck in clono withdrawals. i feel like i just went backwards again. i definately gotta say benzo withdrawals are worse then opiates. im constantly dizzy and having anxiety attacks. im taking 2, 0.5's a day. which is barely anything. i wish i could give you some advice but i have none, and even if i did all the members would yell at me for giving medical advice anyways. so i hope this at least let syou know someone else is havin a **** time with it and your not alone. clono is very weak compared to something like xanax though. xanax will put you in a withdrawal within 2 hours because it acts so fast. clono lasts like 12 or more hours and takes forever to work. so i dunno im still trying to figure out if im just going through withdrawals each day, or if my anxiety is just this awfull because ive always had bad anxiety my entire life

one thing i do know is to not just stop them out of no where, you could have a seizure. youll need a tapering schedule from your dr. dropping down mg's or something. theyll tell u the safe way
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