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Old 02-16-2016, 01:30 PM
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Insane- a dog threatening my sobriety

This is insane. I am just posting here to post. I am losing my mind over a DOG. My children's father has a dog, a German Shepherd. He has him as a guard dog as he has an illness and does not feel safe alone in his house, particularly with the children.
The problem is he does not care for this dog at all!!!!!! At all!!! This poor dog is without attention and love. My ex has a gardener and house keeper who lives on the property who feeds the dog and gives him some attention. This gardener is currently on holiday at at home in India for six weeks.
As such the dog has escaped the confines of the villa and come to my house and will not leave! I have tried putting him in the car and taking him back to the villa, no luck. I have driven the road with the dog following me and taken him back to the villa but no luck.
I cannot handle the stress of caring for this animal. My ex tells me "just don't worry, he'll be fine" but I cannot do that. I cannot open my gate and have him run into the street, cars swerving almost hitting him…. what if they hit him? What if they get in an accident and hurt of kill themselves from swerving to miss the dog? I am completely trapped in my home because of this. I go outside to work in the garden and the poor thing brings the ball to play with me. I can't even leave to buy him food so I am feeding him stuff out of the freezer.
I do not like domestic animals. I am sorry. I know a lot of people love having animals but I can barely take care of myself and my kids, much less an animal. But I have a heart. I can't leave knowing he will escape and likely get hit by a car.
It is honestly driving me to drink!!!!!! How can I deal with this animal? Any advice for keeping him close to home while I go out? I obviously have to care for him until the gardener returns. I do have a heart, just not the will.
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