Old 02-03-2016, 07:36 PM
  # 382 (permalink)  
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I am all for calling out someone, but lets remember depression and anxiety are REAL. Just because we might be in a good place doesn't mean everyone else is where we are at. Sure Lyoness you seem to be stuck in a rut and posting the same things over and over and people really just want to help you. I guess certain things work for some at times and not for others. I can't tell you how many times people have told me to just suck it up which at times I needed and others just pis*ed me off to no end!!! Lets just not let our own Egos decide what we think is best for another - especially on a forum - face to face can be different, but no reason to completely blast someone who is posting and trying . Hey my 2 cents which are worth as much or much less than anyone else's 2 cents! Lets just all try to love each other going through this process. I know early on I needed a lot of gentle support with an occasional kick in the A*SS!
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