Old 02-02-2016, 07:46 AM
  # 133 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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taking 5 to catch my breath...
decided to wash the wifemobile... took it to the local car wash, did a cursory cleaning to get most of the mung off it - didn't rinse it tho...
supposed to get an inch of rain tomorrow... it can rinse in the driveway...

cleared packed snow from front of house - if water backs up it will seep into basement... my yews were flattened... I dug out the rhododendron/mountain laurel as it too was to the ground... but my task was to clear a way for water to 'drain' away from the house, plants will bounce back, don't need water in basement at any rate... it's on my to do list this spring to come up with an inexpensive plan to keep water out... giving it a place to go besides 'in' is the first part... we'll see after the deluge tomorrow... flood warnings abound around here. heavy rain combined with melting snow, should be fun
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