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Old 11-02-2015, 06:45 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 8,614
Dropping a client, that's for the best sometimes, I quit my work because I was tired of people pushing me for a little more and a little more and then paying me at their convenience or when they remembered to. I mean ok for maybe one person but others not so much. I was freelancing so not like I lost benefits or anything and it was a low pay thing anyway.
trying to figure out what I can do for money because I am worn thin as far as people go, worked too many jobs dealing with them and really just at the end of my rope.

I'd say don't do anything that risks your sobriety, I worked for an absolute maniac, like all the staff was just cowering around this guy, last winter. One poor guy was developing a drinking problem because this awful individual. I was off the wagon after 5 weeks of being around this living nightmare... I made a big stink though, cause I'm a big mouth and I don't like seeing people treated poorly and the staff was good people who deserved better.
I hear he behaves now and is good to the employees, I really hope so because they deserve better.
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