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Old 10-13-2015, 08:51 PM
  # 199 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by needtostopthis View Post
Well the longest i have ever been sober was 10 months. That was only because i was pregnant and then after i had my son i did not drink for a month. It was no problem for me to quit then at all. I mean for me there was no way i would drink once i was pregnant. I did not even think about it, crave it or anything.

Besides that i have only gotten to i think 11-12 days. So for me the hardest is always day 4-5. I get awful headaches at day 4 and 5 and i will be so tired! I just feel drained and awful and usually that makes me think drinking will make that all go away! At around day 10-11 i feel like i am doing so great and i always end up giving in. I tell myself i don't really have a problem, since i made it so far. Ha! Stupid girl i am!
This is my cycle too
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