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Old 09-17-2015, 03:37 AM
  # 241 (permalink)  
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Hell honestly? I think the best thing for you is to see your doctor - you may find your meds aren't working properly if you're mixing them with alcohol.

I understand you might want to cut back on your meds, but I also think it's a good thing to run the idea past a medical professional first.

as far as reducing goes - if you're aiming to reduce to zero, I get the idea, but if you're trying to cut back your intake of alcohol and become a 'normal' drinker, I think you're pretty much doomed to failure.

Sorry for being blunt, but I tried that cutting back malarkey for 20 years.

In the end I accepted that alcohol and I had a toxic relationship and I was better off without it.

8 years later I'm still convinced of that
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